Lets look at the measurement for 4 turns as an example.
When I made 4 turns the coil was compact and the length between the end wires was almost 0.1".
The inductance was 199nH.
Then I spaced the coil so the end wires was 0.2" (5.12mm) apart.
The inductance was 155nH.
Then I spaced the coil so the end wires was 0.3" (7.62mm) apart.
可能這位仁兄紀錄有誤, 應該不會拉長到 4" 5" 或 6", 估計是 0.4", 0.5" 或 0.6".
修訂那些可能有誤的數字, 重新整理一個表格, 用樞紐分析表看看 空氣電感的三個主要參數的交互變化. 圖表最容易觀察, 日後要用心裡面就大概有個數.
如果空氣電感線圈的直徑, 線的直徑, 線的材料固定, 基本上會影響電感量 L 的只有圈數 (Turns), 每圈之間的距離 (Space).
日後要自制 Air coil, 圖表法, 連計算都不用, 大概看看就可以了.