NT$13000的照相機, 用了12個月+10天, 突然暴斃, 死因不明, 表徵為開機後螢幕出現 ERROR 30-00-23 或 ERROR 30-00-28, 鏡頭伸出來後, 關機不能夠收回去. 電話找客服, 回答是要更新FIRMWARE..... 結果?!.....當然不出所料是暴斃依然.
保固期限已過, 問原廠, 好像要HK$600-$700費用, 明擺著就是叫看官買一台新的, 放棄這個舊的. 三年後的今天可以選擇的是花個兩三千港幣買一台600百萬像素,高級的, 或者把這個拆開來看看, 能夠自己弄好的話, 隨便给小DD練習拍照也可.
隨便在GOOGLE搜尋了一下, 在以下的網頁找到類似的問題, 但是好像沒有解決的方法,
既然沒有解決的方法, 先看看產品樣子, 可以參考下面的圖片:
詳細的產品規格, 可以參考原廠的網址如下:
How to update the FIRMWARE 原廠更新網頁如下:
Download the latest FIRMWARE 原廠下載的路徑如下 (更新完後, 問題還會在, 因為根本是產品設計有問題, 原廠當然不會鳥你, 自求多福吧, 喔彌陀佛....)):
開始動手, 自己玩玩. 首先拆野, 看看內裡有咩東東, 卸下幾顆螺絲, 有點肢解的樣子, 小心
移開鏡頭組件後, 看到的兩個MOTOR, 問題就在那個小的MOTOR
對焦鏡片組,有問題的設計,組件的運動軸線和鏡面的平面並非正交的90度角,原因是塑膠的部份因為設計和製造沒有考慮 Creep behaviour of plastic, 應力引致原來應該90度角的部份彎曲變形,Motor 輸出扭力並不能夠克服意外帶來的摩擦力, 所以相機啟動時, 沒有完成正常歸位 (HOMING) 的動作, 最後便以 ERROR 30-00-23 而停滯不動.
目示都能看得出來, 組件的運動軸線和鏡面的平面並非正交的90度角
不好的設計 (或許通常會導致RICOH的媽媽被其他人的生殖器官問候)
The following is the official web page for contact of RICOH,
We have report this issue via such only available channel as following, but so far, no any response,
Oct/22/2007, 11:20
We have the first time call back from Ricoh Taiwan, Mr. Zhang who was calling this morning (tel: 886-2-26020021), the Ricoh HONG KONG has been diverts our feedback to Ricoh Taiwan. The general understanding, such error code is prone to be malfunction of the lens assembly, the repairing charge will be NT$2600, and the pickup for return will be available after the member registration via www.hlh.com.tw
Again, pay for the repairing or replacement should not be the purpose, in our case, this unit had failed about 13 months after the purchase, only a narrow missed for warranty period. and, and it was unscrewed for the truth. If Ricoh is willing to repair this for us without charge, we may be able to send this dead bug back to Ricoh to help them see the fact.
This aged model, the high enough repairing charge, the fact of expired warranty period, the void of warranty by unscrewed camera, it results a final conclusion, under such circumstances, Ricoh Taiwan is not be able to repair this without charge, Mr. Zhang will conveys our finding to the Ricoh HONG KONG. This may help the company to settle such customer complaint but no longer help the designer to see the fact of what a bad design with.
The END, no any positive finding from the Ricoh<
It is time to fix this baby completely as it has been dis-assmebled more than a year, not only a clean up for the workshop, but an expectance of this out-date product will extends the life of service, we will patch this camera into operation mode for machine vision and / or monitoring purpose with the remote control application.
The last, collected back all the screws, PCB, lens assembly etc. and one more thing, the most important, a used tube of ball pen, cut a piece about 1mm from the used tube, this is the spacer for our task, it will fits to the spindle of focusing motor to compensates the back slash created by wron out of this motor internal. That is the trick to makes this camera back to service.
Re-assemble this baby piece by piece and then more pieces, test the work done, the lens module has no more stuck up and no more error code displayed during power up. The Lens can be extended as expected in normal operation.
Complete the re-assemble, front view for an operating
Complete the re-assemble, back view for an operating, LCD display a good condition as normal after power up.
Of course, need some test-shot to validate this baby whether she is really back to service without error. confirmed as couple pictures taken right after the re-assemble.
Final note:
what a shame the Ricoh service and technical support, they ignored what was supposed to be works fine and might possible negelected the responsibility as a manufacturer, since re-flash the firmware did not help to resolve this glitch from mechnical failure. 小你個喇叭.
...... result...end.
ATI - Nucleus PLUS. http://www.mentor.com/products/embedded_software/nucleus_cpu_support.cfm,
it is the RTOS developer, possible the firmware developed with uses of this tool.
It says that supported CPU from Sharp is following, LH 7A400, LH 7A404, LH 754XX, LH 79520, but nothing about the chip LR38668Y (ARM core) inside this camera.
A well known notice from whatever datasheet downloaded for LH 7A400, the notice quoted as following for Sharp ARM processor,
Dear customer,
As from June 1st, 2007 NXP Semiconductors has acquired the LH7xxx ARM Microcontrollers from Sharp Microelectronics. The following changes are applicable to the attached data sheet. In data sheets where the previous Sharp or Sharp Corporation references remain, please use the new
links as shown below.
For www.sharpsma.com use www.nxp.com/microcontrollers
for indicated sales addresses use salesaddresses@nxp.com (email)
Read more for ARM bootloader,